ASIC 2022 21st Annual Summer Interdisciplinary Conference |
Travel to Chalet Hotel Le Prieure
Chamonix, France
Note: It is a good idea to explore the area near Chamonix with Google Maps, and Google Earth.
How to reach Chamonix and Chalet Hotel Le Prieure :
There are several international airports providing access by rental auto, shuttle, train, or bus. The following estimated times are for travel by car. Shuttle, bus, or train may require waiting for connections.
The closest airport is Geneva Switzerland, about 1.25 hrs. Lyon and Grenoble France are about 2.2 hrs. Milan Italy is about 2.5 hrs (via the Mt. Blanc tunnel). Bern Switzerland is about 3 hrs.
ADDRESS : Chalet Hotel Le Prieure is at 149 allee Recteur Payot, 74400, Chamonix France, near the center of Chamonix.
The bus station is about a five minute walk to or from the hotel. There are local buses running through this valley every 30 minutes and these are free with a card given to you at the hotel.