ASIC 2022 21st Annual Summer Interdisciplinary Conference |
Chalet Hotel Le Prieure
Chamonix, France
June 16, Thursday – June 21, Tuesday
Above: The town of Chamonix
Above: Mt. Blanc from Brevent Cable Car Station
The 21st Annual Summer Interdisciplinary Conference (ASIC 2022) will be held at Chalet Hotel Le Prieure, 149 Allee Recteur Payot 74400 Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France. The conference will have talks every afternoon and evening on the six consecutive days June 16, Thursday – June 21, Tuesday, 2022 (the last talks will be held in the evening of June 21, so the departure date should be June 22 or later).
Note: If covid travel restrictions in the country of origin or in France cause you to cancel your attendance, any lodging deposit and registration fee will be refunded.
If you have a 5% or higher chance of attending, go to the link on this website 'Potential Attendees' and list yourself, your probability, and your email.
See the hotel website at Le Prieure Chamonix. Chalet Hotel Le Prieure has excellent reviews, refurbished rooms with excellent views, two restaurants, and conference facilities. The meetings, catered breaks, breakfasts, and all but one dinner will be held in the hotel. The evening of June 19, Sunday is open for attendees to dine at their choice of hundreds of local restaurants. For reservations, descriptions and details, visit the links on this website "LODGING" (NOTE: this year cancellation insurance is available for a modest fee) and "MEALS".
Above: Chalet Hotel Le Prieure
Chamonix is in the heart of the Alps, adjacent to Mt. Blanc, in Eastern France near the borders of Italy and Switzerland. The nearest airport is Geneva, a little over an hour by car and two hours by train, but Chamonix is also readily accessible by car, train and bus from a number of other international airports. Travel options are found on this website on the link 'TRAVEL'.
Above: Aiguille du Midi (accessible by cable car from Chamonix center)
Chamonix and the surrounding area is one the world’s most scenic destinations and one of the world's capitals for both adventure and leisure sports. Summer activities include hiking, scrambling, and peak bagging, via ferrata, mountain and road biking, rock climbing, mountaineering (though most mountaineering would have to take place before or after the conference, given the time required), paragliding, white water rafting, kayaking, canyoning, glacier walking, and many leisure activities such as sightseeing, fishing, tennis, and golf. For a more complete description visit the link on this website "ACTIVITIES".
Richard M. Shiffrin of Indiana University - Bloomington is the organizer: Email should be directed to (for all contact info, select 'Contact' from this website menu).
ASIC Organizer, Rich Shiffrin, atop Torre Grande, near Cortina. Italy
Conference Subject Matter
The subject matter of the ASIC conferences is interdisciplinary, but with a primary emphasis upon a wide variety of scientific domains within the broad frame of Cognitive Science. ASIC uses the very successful format of previous ASIC and AIC conferences: Days are free for leisure activities and discussions among participants. The talks are in the later afternoon/early evening, followed by dinner. The date has been chosen to make it convenient for attendees to bring family/friends.
Previous and Future ASIC Websites
Several parts of this year's website are still under construction. For other ASIC websites, previous (2005-2021) and coming, see: These websites generally list speakers, titles and abstracts. See the link on this website titled: ASIC Websites.
The conference is open to all interested parties, and their family and friends. An invitation is NOT needed to attend. It will be of particular interest to scholars who fit the very general theme of the conference. We encourage you to send the conference information and invitation to friends and colleagues.
Due to the small number of spots for speakers, in the event that too many attendees desire to speak, the organizer will adapt the lengths of talks and/or select whom will give talks.
Conference Aims
The conference is truly interdisciplinary and will welcome interesting talks aimed at a general audience on any subject, but most talks have ranged across a variety of subjects in cognitive science, including:
- modeling of cognition
- neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience
- psychology (including perception, psychophysics, attention, information processing, memory and cognition)
- computer science and artificial intelligence
- machine intelligence and learning
- methodology and statistics
- linguistics, psycholinguistics and computational linguistics
- philosophy of mind and cognitive science
We especially invite talks emphasizing theory, mathematical modeling, and computational modeling (including neural networks and artificial intelligence). Nonetheless, we require talks that are comprehensible and interesting to a wide scientific audience. Speakers will provide overviews of current research areas, as well as of their own recent progress.
Conference Format
There is a single speaking session each day (no posters), intentionally organized to maximize the dissimilarity of each day’s presentations. If the number of participants exceeds the number of speaking slots (either 42 or 48), then the organizer will select some talks to be of shorter duration, and if necessary choose the speakers who will have the opportunity to present their work. Information on submitting proposals for presentation is on the page of this website labeled “Talk Submissions". Please submit talk information on the website. Your information, such as authors, title, abstract and so on can be deleted, replaced, or altered at any time up to June 1, 2022.
The conference will start with registration and a reception with drinks and food starting about 15:30 on Thursday, June 16. On subsequent days there will be drinks and light snacks starting about 15:40. Talks will begin at 16:00, usually seven or eight in number, ending about 20:00 and followed by dinner. The last evening of talks will be Tuesday, June 21, so plan to depart no earlier than Wednesday, June 22.
It will not escape the careful reader that this conference format frees most of the day for either discussions with colleagues or various other activities with colleagues, family, and friends. We hope and expect all scientific attendees and participants to attend all sessions. The time frame will allow day trips to nearby sites, but arrange to return in time for the sessions. Travel to sites and planned activities from which a return for the session will not be possible by 16:00 should be arranged for days preceding or following the conference.
You are not officially on the list for presenting research until you register and send the registration fee. Visit the Registration page at this website.
A block of rooms are presently being held, but are limited (at the price negotiated), and unreserved rooms will gradually be returned to the general public, so reserve soon. For information visit the Lodging page at this website.