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23rd Annual Summer Interdisciplinary Conference

Submissions of Talks

Whether or not you have already sent some of this information to the organizer by email, please provide on the link below a list of authors (with the presenter indicated), their affiliations, and emails; a title, and an abstract (limit 250 words). These may be changed later, so do not hesitate to send them as early as possible. The organizer will use these to plan the conference and organize the sessions.

Please go to the submission form

Typical Mountain House near Kranjska Gora

For normal numbers of speakers attending, talks will be scheduled for 30 minutes duration, a time that includes interruptions for questions, and final discussion. It would be best to plan for 20-24 minutes of actual speaking. The talks should be aimed not at specialists, but at a general scientific audience. Note: In order to add this information to the webpage you should use the same code that you will use to make lodging reservations. This code will be sent to those listed as potential attendees. Otherwise the code can be obtained by emailing the organizer at

There is room on the program for a maximum of 48 30-minute talks. If there are more attendees wanting to present research than time permits, then the organizer will either choose some talks to be of shorter duration, or in extremity, decide which attendees will give presentations. Thus when registering and filling out the submission form, please indicate if you might be willing to 1) give a shorter talk; 2) forego giving a talk.

ASIC is a truly interdisciplinary conference, so each session will be scheduled to have talks as dissimilar as possible (reverting from the typical conference organization that organized sessions by topic).