ASIC 2025 25th Annual Summer Interdisciplinary Conference |
Format / Schedule
There will be a single speaking session each day, starting at 16:00, each with 30 minute talks. There are no posters. These sessions will be held in a conference room at the Le Saint Gervais Hotel & Spa. The 30 minute talk duration includes times for interruptions and questions during the talk and questions after, so it is best to plan for no more than 20 minutes speaking time. The four hour session time limits each session to a maximum eight talks, or 48 for the whole conference. If more than 48 attendees wish to talk the organizer will choose those to speak. Information on submitting proposals for presentations is on the page of this website labeled “Talk Submissions".
The audience for the talks will be truly interdisciplinary, so do not assume the listeners will know your field, its latest findings and theories, or its jargon. It is always a delicate balancing act to give a short talk that communicates clearly to a general audience and yet conveys the important results accurately. The limited time means one should not try to cover too much material.
The interdisciplinary nature of the conference is fostered by the session organization: The talks each session will be chosen to maximally dissimilar (subject to the constraints of the talk contents and the days the speakers are present and able to talk.
Each session will have a chair appointed by the organizer. The chair will choose the order of speaking and is responsible to see that the speakers obey the time limit.
The titles, speaker, authors, and abstract needs to be entered on the ASIC 2025 website on the link “Talk Submissions” no later than June 1, because the organizer will assign talks and speakers to sessions on about that date. (Note: any entered talk prior to June 1 can be adjusted or changed, but not after that date).
The conference will start with registration and a reception at about 15:30 on Monday, June 23. On subsequent days there will be drinks and light snacks starting about 15:40, followed by the speaking session. Dinner at the hotel will follow the session at about 20:00 - 20:15.
Hiking up Mt. Blanc looks easier than it is.